Collection: Automotive Use

Automotive paints are widely available worldwide, but not all are suitable for airbrush use due to differences in viscosity and pigment size. Paints designed for full-size spray guns typically use 1.3 or 1.4mm nozzles, whereas airbrushes commonly use much smaller .3mm nozzles, making them less precise. We provide a selection of paints suitable for automotive airbrushing and the necessary equipment for spraying them.

Depending on the project, car painters may work with a primed surface or an existing paint finish, both of which are suitable for custom airbrush jobs. If the type and age of the primer are unknown, it's advisable to apply an adhesion promoter to ensure paint adherence. Surface preparation involves using sandpaper or pads, preferably with a P600 grid. After preparation, the surface should be cleaned with a degreaser opposite in nature to the paint type used. For instance, water-based paints like Createx Wicked require a solvent-based degreaser, while solvent paints require a water-borne degreaser.

Once the surface is dry, the automotive airbrush can be prepared. It's important to note that the preparation process may vary depending on the project. For simple designs, priming may not be necessary, saving time and money. If you're only adding a design without changing the color scheme, skipping the priming step can streamline the process. Feel free to contact SprayGunner with any additional questions.