I have both imperial AT-AT walker kits from tgese two companies now. And this new addition to aid my diaromma focus.
Act 2 kit is said all over the web to be scale 1: 100.
Bandai scale in 1: 144 on the box.
The AT-ST is a a dissapointment.
I expected an interior cabin which it does not have.
So, fabricate it....yeah but...
Bandai's AT-AT in scale 1: 144 is LOTS Bigger than this weasley AT-ST chicken walker.
From popular well made video games its much taller, wider, & longer , so this can't possibly be correct & Bandai should label their box as such.
Snowspeeders: Bandai's hands down is better.
My dilemma is that Act 2's scale 1: 100 snowspeeder is smaller than Bandai's 1: 144.
If your on a small budget & can't afford all these kits, you pick one.
If you buy Bandai, you must buy 3 kits total just for one walker, two snowspeeders, two AT-ST ( which will only look half correct off in the Distant backgrond ).
With Act 2 one kit provides one AT-AT ( Larger than Bandai's 1: 144 ) , two snow speeders, & two Rebel base Laser Turrets.
Bandai's scale 1: 144 AT-AT is incredable.
Act 2's is prety darn desent.
How well can you paint?
1/ 144 scale figures are provided in Bandai's AT-AT kit.
Known in Act 2's 1: 100 scale kit.
I was aiming for a highend diaramma build, sculpt, with model kits I expected to provide tons of detail. These are my 1st chance working with scale 1: 144 figurines.
I'm not convinced Bandai got them to correct scale.
As a seasoned modeler, fabricator, brush painter, & a beginning airbrush user looking forward too wiring & lighting my diarammas - I would have seriously appreciated both companies coming forward with more details in relation to their scale focus.
This AT-ST should be much larger in 1: 144.
I'll likely buid mine from scratch now.
Bandai either made their 1: 144 snowspeeder over sized ( larger ) or Act 2 made it's 1: 100 snowspeeder undersized ( smaller ).
If your into mm;
1: 100 = 15mm
1: 144 = 12mm