By NO-NAME brand

Crank Bait Clear Unpainted Plastic Fishing Lure (Short tail)

$1.00 USD - $1.20 USD
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Size: Small
Regular price $1.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1.00 USD
Brand: NO-NAME brand
Availability: In stock
Crank Bait Clear Unpainted Plastic Fishing Lure (Short tail) NO-NAME brand
Regular price $1.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $1.00 USD
SpeedShapes: Mini Hood

Crank Bait Clear Plastic Fishing Lure

Comes in 2 sizes (small and medium)

Short tail: Tight wobble, erratic swimming, no rolling or tumbling

This is a hard-bodied lure that is designed to dive underwater when retrieved. Crankbaits come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but they all have a similar swimming action that mimics a wounded baitfish. Crankbaits are a very versatile lure that can be used to catch a wide variety of fish, including bass, trout, walleye, and pike. They are especially effective in clear water, where their bright colors and erratic swimming action are easy for fish to see.

Completely paintable, ready for you to turn into a custom bait design.

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