Createx Wicked Colors line expanded! New opaque colors are here!
Latest news for March 2021: Createx Auto-Air colors will slowly disappear form the market, but no worries - all the popular colors saved! They now available as new Wicked Colors. Check out new listings in Pearls and Metallic series.
Also, 2 new categories in Wicked Line:
1. Pearl-flakes, where all fancy transparent paints from Auto-Air migrated, such as cosmic sparkle, hot-rod and other popular flaky colors.
2. Wicked Opaque colors. These are NOT just Auto-Air semi-opaque colors, but improved formula allowing to spray heavier layers without any issues. Most opaque out of all the Createx paints!
Not all the colors available immediately, they will slowly roll out while Auto-Air colors going out of stock and disappearing.