Big news for all Harder & Steenbeck airbrush owners - new part lists rolled out along with an introduction of Airbrush Tuning!
First of all, we'd like to say that at the moment of publication of this text, we have every new part in stock and ready to ship from our Florida warehouse.
It took a while for Harder & Steenbeck to make these new parts available because a lot of administrative work needed to be done. They not only revealed the parts for new 2024 airbrush models but also replaced a lot of parts for older models with new, often better options.

Across all models, Harder & Steenbeck changed their approach to air valve parts. Instead of selling every little spring, rod, and nut individually, which often confused users, they now offer complete re-building set 702327. It includes all internal parts and seals of the air valve. Complete air valve also available, and if you have an older model of H&S airbrush, you might want to consider getting the new air valve 702325 instead of rebuilding set, since air valve body now offers wider side cuts for channeling the air flow and allows slightly more air to pass. This results in a better air flow throughout the whole airbrush.
All Harder & Steenbeck airbrush models now have new needles, nozzles, and air caps, as well as full sets. All parts come with new part numbers so please check new diagrams after selecting your airbrush model in our parts catalog.
Small but important, new part across all models, which is also recommended as an airbrush tuning part for all models, is a needle clamp nut in 2 versions: 702343 for Ultra series and 712343 for Evolution and Infinity. New version has a new feature - it guides the needle to the right path when you put it back after disassembly, helping to avoid bent needle tips caused by installation errors.

Some users didn't like the trigger feel of Ultra 2024 airbrush. It designed for new users and helps muscle memory to form the habit of pressing trigger down and feel the pressure while pulling it back. For this model now a few airbrush tuning options available, starting with 712350 Evo 2024 trigger and spring. This trigger/spring combo will make Ultra 2024 trigger pull softer and will remove the "training" mode of the original Ultra trigger that did not allow to pull back (paint flow) unless you press down (air) first. Now you can easily make splatter effects as professionals do and also make your own mistake if you forget to press the trigger down ;)
Also, for Ultra 2024 recommended tuning is 712364 0.45mm nozzle set and 712362 0.28mm nozzle set from Evolution airbrush. Both will improve the way Ultra airbrush sprays and worth the investment if you're not ready to purchase a new airbrush. See all parts for Ultra 2024 here (click).

For the original Ultra airbrush (made between 2006 and 2023) all parts are organized here (click). In additional to new parts for all models that we already discussed earlier, original Ultra airbrush users can install 702394 air cap from new Ultra version, as well as complete nozzle set 702364. However, if you're going to purchase complete nozzle set for your Ultra airbrush, we'd recommend going with 712362 or 712364 Evolution 2024 sets since they have pinch-off needle protection cup that allows easy access for cleaning needle tip and overall spraying stats are better.

All Evolution CR Plus 2024 airbrush parts can be found here (click). For this model, full seal kit now available, part number 712330. No tuning recommendations from the factory at this moment but we suspect that's because Infinity Cr Plus 2024 airbrush parts were not revealed yet ;)
Here is a quick rundown of the legacy Evolution models:

Original Evolution, made between 1998 and 2023, in addition new to needle sets and air valves now gets new paint cups and lids MPNs. Find them on the new parts diagram and in our Original Evolution Airbrush parts collection (click).

For Harder & Steenbeck Evolution Silverline (1998-2023 model year) you can get 712351 Complete backend with trigger from Evolution 2024. It won't change the way your Silverline paints so it's not a recommended upgrade, but the new trigger has a wider shape and feels a bit better.

Evolution CR Plus 2011-2023 model year also could slightly benefit from 712351 set, but don't get it unless you need to replace some damage/missing parts. Tuning is great, but nothing beats getting a new airbrush!

Evolution AL Plus 2011-2023 is almost the same as Evolution CR Plus pre-2023, however, do not get 712351 set for it, because it will disbalance your light aluminum airbrush with a heavier endpiece.

We're all waiting for the new Infinity CR Plus 2024 airbrush and all the parts will be rolled out right after the launch so not much to update our Infinity users yet.

Except for some special editions like Giraldez Infinity Cr Plus and Kyiv Infinity light and Kyiv dark which now have all parts available along with convenient diagrams to choose the parts from!

As always, SprayGuner's team is always here to help and answer any questions. We will do our best to always keep these new Harder & Steenbeck airbrush parts in stock, however since the demand is high, we recommend you act immediately when you see the parts you need available for purchase at
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