Colección: Knowledge Base of Airbrush and Spray Painting

Hub for helpful information about airbrush and spray painting

In our knowledge base we put together a series of material created by our teammates, as well as some of our friends, to create a one source of useful information for our customers.

All the data from this knowledge base and more were used in training of our AI bot "Ask Atom". Give it a try and ask specific questions related to our selection of airbrush, paints, paints spray guns, compressors, as well as different techniques and applications.

Airbrush buying guide

New to airbrush? We have articles that will help you to get a basic understanding of an airbrush and proper setup, advice of a general use beginner's airbrush, and beginner airbrush kits, as well as specialized by application painting kit ides among which you will find:

Automotive aibrush setup, Barber Airbrush, Body Painting & Face Art, Cake and Pastry Decorating, Cosplay painting setup,

Airbrush causing issues? Troubleshoot them with our guides!

It's not always flawless. Event the most expensive and high-quality airbrush can run into problems. We're here to help and explain the functionality of the tool, and tell you what to look for to diagnose the issue.

One of the most common issues are bubbles in airbrush paint cup. In this article you can find an answer to this problem. If you still need help, feel free to reach out to our support team. The easiest way is to shoot an email to sales@spraygunnercom

Airbrush How-To's for all levels, from beginner to advance

A collection of videos and step-by-step articles featuring some of the best airbrush instructors for all different applications and techniques. Fine art, custom painting, figure painting, scale modeling, body art, and more!

Learn how to paint 3-D printed figure with Gerald Mendez

Larger scale figure painted with metallics and candy colors by Nestor Espinoza

Paining model plane with Steve Leahy

Airbrush reviews of newest and most popular models

You will find a collection of articles and videos created by our team as well as other users with independent opinion on some of the popular airbrush models, as well as air compressors, and accessories.

Among them:

Know your paints and colors for airbrush

Collection of articles and guides on different paint types and brands, proper thinning, application, and mixing.

Learn about:

Createx Colors proper reducing,