Por Createx

Createx Illustration Colors Aire, Aceite y Plomo: Gris Neutro 2 (5002)

$4.69 USD - $15.95 USD
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Brand: Createx
Availability: Agotado
SKU: 5002-01
Createx Illustration Colors Air, Oil and Lead: Neutral Grey 2 (5002) Createx
Precio habitual $4.69 USD
Precio habitual Precio de oferta $4.69 USD

Createx Illustration Colors Aire, Aceite y Plomo: Gris Neutro 2 (5002)

Createx Illustration Colors Air, Oil y Lead in Neutral Grey 2 (5002) es un conjunto de pinturas versátil y de alta calidad perfecto para artistas y entusiastas del aerógrafo. Estas pinturas a base de agua en escala de grises están diseñadas para ofrecer resultados excepcionales y permitirle crear obras de arte increíbles con facilidad.

Una de las características más destacadas de estas pinturas es su fórmula muy pigmentada. Esto significa que obtendrás colores intensos y vibrantes que realmente resaltan en tu lienzo. La pintura también se seca hasta obtener un acabado mate, lo que agrega un toque único a su obra de arte. Ya sea que estés trabajando en un proyecto a pequeña escala o en un mural grande, estas pinturas asegurarán que tus creaciones destaquen.

Otra gran característica de Createx Illustration Colors es su versatilidad. Se pueden reducir o sobrerreducir fácilmente en cualquier proporción con el 4012 Reduce, lo que los hace ideales para artistas que desean experimentar con diferentes texturas y efectos. Esto también le permite lograr una variedad de transparencias, lo que permite una mayor profundidad y dimensión en su obra de arte.

Estas pinturas son compatibles con todos los tipos de aerógrafo, lo que permite una aplicación perfecta con una atomización fina a través de puntas de tamaño pequeño. Esto los hace perfectos para artistas del aerógrafo que desean lograr un trabajo preciso y detallado. Además, estas pinturas también se pueden utilizar para pintar automóviles, ampliando aún más su rango de aplicación.

Para lograr un acabado brillante y vibrante, simplemente aplique una capa superior brillante después de pintar. Esto realzará los colores y agregará profundidad a su obra de arte, dándole un aspecto profesional y pulido.

En conclusión, Createx Illustration Colors Air, Oil y Lead in Neutral Grey 2 (5002) son pinturas de primera línea que ofrecen una pigmentación, versatilidad y facilidad de uso excepcionales. Si eres un artista profesional o estás empezando, estas pinturas son imprescindibles en tu kit de herramientas creativas. Experimente con diferentes proporciones y técnicas para lograr impresionantes obras de arte en escala de grises que realmente impresionarán.

Illustration Colors, Illustration Opaque Colors, Bloodline, Lifeline, Gibson Grays
Acrylic Resin, Lightfast Pigments, Archival Grade Paint

Edited August 2023 – This tech sheet supersedes any other inconsistent information, including the label.


Illustration Colors are low-viscosity airbrush paints designed for refined atomization and flow through the smallest of airbrush tip sizes, at low psi settings, without a stippled pattern when faded from a tint to a saturated color.

All Illustration Colors dry to a matte finish. Illustration Colors, Bloodline and Lifeline are transparent paints with no filler added and made with a saturated pigment volume for semi-opaque coverage out of the bottle. Illustration Opaque Colors have added filler for increased coverage. All color types share the same resin and are collectively herein referred to as “Illustration Colors”.

Soft Erasing Feature of Illustration Colors

Illustration Colors are unique in that the final cure is delayed for 48-hours, during which the colors may be “soft erased” for subtle manipulation. After this open cure window, Illustration Colors cure to a hard coating. When mixed with 4030, Illustration Colors do not soft erase.
Developed by artist Dru Blair, Illustration Colors work excellent for reductive techniques and manipulation of the paint while it cures. For exceptional airbrush technique instruction, visit schoolofrealism.com.

5090 Illustration Transparent Base

5090 is the acrylic-resin base to Illustration Colors without pigment added. 5090 dries to a transparent, matte finish.
Use 5090 to extend Illustration Colors by mixing in any ratio without affecting adhesion.  Adding 5090 to colors does not affect shelf-life.
Mix colors with 5090, then thin colors intended for use with 4011 Reducer to colors intended for use within 48-hours.

5090 may also be used a light, clear for interior applications, which will create a uniform, matte finish over colors. This helps when colors are over-reduced and may appear satin or semi-gloss. 5090 creates a uniform, matte sheen when applied over colors.

5092 Createx Flex Additive

5092 Flex Additive is made for painting latex and other flexible substrates such as flexible foams & urethanes. 5092 Flex Additive was formerly called Bloodline Latex Adhesion Promoter; it’s the same product. Mixing 5092 to Createx paints including Illustration Colors and Bloodline improves flexibility, so paint won’t chip or crack when latex, flexible foam & urethane substrates, and more.

Mix 5092 with Createx paints and apply direct to the substrate after cleaning (use 99% isopropyl alcohol to clean, then wipe with a lint-free cloth).

Mix 5092 ~ 20% to 100% (1:1) v/v with colors, then thin as needed with 4011 Reducer, generally 10% v/v. Colors take longer to dry when mixed with 5092. Allow for extended drying in-between coats. Do not use heat to cure. Colors will remain tacky for an extended period after mixing with 5092. Minimize tack by applying colors in light coats, allowing each to air dry so they appear matte before applying the next coat of paint.

Bloodline & Lifeline

Developed by special FX artist Tim Gore, Bloodline and Lifeline are muted colors with earthy undertones for unique undertones, perfect for hyper real effects. Bloodline appear as over-saturated, dark hues at full saturation, and when applied in lighter, tint-strength coats showing underlying hues that are  rich and earthy for excellent color blending

Airbrush & Spray-Gun Settings

Illustration Colors spray out-of-the-bottle through any tip-sized airbrush at a wide variety of settings. Although most artist will lower the paint’s viscosity by thinning with 4011 Reducer 5% - 20% per volume, Illustration Colors spray well without thinning.

Airbrush: Any tip size
Spray-Gun: 1.2mm – 1.3mm
Mini-Gun: 0.8 – 1.2mmFollow spray-gun manufacturer’s psi recommendations.

Mixing & Thinning (“Reducing”)

Illustration Colors spray out-of-the-bottle through any tip-sized airbrush at a wide variety of psi settings without thinning. However, most artists prefer thinning colors.
Thin colors with 4011 Reducer, generally 5% - 20% per volume for airbrush, and 5% - 10% per volume for spray-gun.
The amounts paint is thinned vary as per many factors such as airbrush tip-size, technique and color type. The viscosity of specific colors varies which affects how much reducer is needed to thin colors to the same flow & atomization. For example, Burnt Umber, a thick heavy pigmented color, will require more than Yellow to spray the same.
Subjective preferences also play a role. These mixing guidelines are just a starting reference. If adding excessive amounts of 4011, look o also adding 5090 Transparent Base.

Mixing (contd.)

For painting hard-surface and rigid substrates, mixing Illustration Colors with 4030 Balancing Clear or 4050 UVLS Gloss Clear works excellent, making an acrylic – urethane resin blend which has improved adhesion, flow and durability when painting substrates such as plastic, metal and existing finishes.

  • Add 4030 or 4050 10% per volume to colors, then thin as needed with 4011 Reducer.
  • 4030 is a lower viscosity compared to 4050, and colors mixed with it require less thinning with 4011 Reducer.

After mixing colors with 4011 Reducer, allow for 10+ minutes before spraying so the alcohol breaks down the water’s surface tension, for improved flow and leveling.

Only add 4011 to colors intended for use within 48-hours as 4011 promotes curing. Best practice for extending the shelf-life of colors mixed with 4011 Reducer is to keep the cap completely closed and bottle kept air-tight unless pouring paint. Store in a cabinet or box away from direct light, cold or excessive heat.

Drying Times and Humidity

Dry Times & Curing are set to a constant temperature of
70⁰F / 21⁰C and 50% Relative Humidity. Extend drying times in colder temperatures down to 60 F⁰ / 16⁰C.

  • Painting in lower temperatures is not recommended.
  • Allow for extended air-drying time when painting in humid or cold conditions, allowing each coat to dry matte before applying the next coat of paint.

Use air movement to assist drying, not direct heat. The best practice is to use a fan with air directed to flow over the painted surface, not directed at it.

To assist paint drying in humid conditions, make a reducer mixed in equal parts (1:1) with 4011 Reducer and 4020 Reducer. Use this mix to thin colors by adding up to 25% per volume. Only thin with the 4011 / 4020 Reducer mix intended for spraying within a 48-hour period and keep capped airtight unless pouring paint.

  • Time to tape is best 1-hour or more.
  • Time to top-coat with a clear, especially a solvent-based 2k clear are best 4-hours or more. Refer to the Createx Hard-Surface & Automotive Application Guide for more, available www.creatextech.com.


Illustration Colors are a fluid acrylic paint.  They may be applied with a brush, airbrush, or spray-gun.

Working in light coats, with enough re-coat time for colors to dry matte and tack-free before applying the next coat is best.

Although colors may dry tack-free several minutes after application, final cure is 48-hours after application.

Top-Coat Clear

Top-coating with a clear is optional. Use Createx UVLS Clears or other clear type, Top-coat with a durable clear such as Createx UVLS Clears for exterior applications, for a gloss or satin finish, or to protect from repeated, direct handling & contact.

  • Compatible with a wide range of clear types, including solvent-based, catalyzed urethane automotive clears.
  • Sanding is not required prior to applying clear.

Cleaning after Illustration Colors Cure

Colors should only be cleaned after the paint has thoroughly dried, best 72-hours after application. Delayed cross-linking feature means it takes longer for them to dry and not be affected by a cleaning prior to top-coating with a clear.

  • When mixed with 4050 or 4030, colors are safe to clean within 4 – 6 hours air drying after application.
  • Use a solvent-based degreaser or odorless mineral spirits.

Pot-Life & Storage

Illustration Colors do not have a pot-life.
Store air-tight in a cool, dry environment away from direct list.
Keep capped air-tight when not pouring paint.  Fresh air promotes curing of paint at the surface level.

The best practice for extending the shelf-life of colors mixed with 4011 Reducer is to keep the cap completely closed and bottle kept air-tight unless pouring paint.

Health & Safety

  • Use in a well-ventilated area.  Avoid contact with eyes. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after use.  
  • Do not ingest. Use in a well-ventilated.
  • Wear a NIOSH / MSHA respirator when painting.
  • Eye contact: Rinse with clean water for 15 minutes.  Seek medical attention.
  • Refer to SDS for Createx Illustration Colors for more, available www.creatextech.com

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Jason Davis
Createx Wicked Paints 35 Color Set

this airbrush paint set is easy to work with, easy to clean up, and the colors are very vibrant, just paint my harley with just this paint and am very satisfied. will continue to use wicked paint and spraygunners ??

color and spray abilty

spays great, nice shade or grey, but needs a lot of shaking to mix before spraying