Von Createx

5601 Createx Transparente Basis

$2.50 USD - $50.00 USD
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Wert: 2 Unzen
Normaler Preis $2.50 USD
Normaler Preis Verkaufspreis $2.50 USD
Brand: Createx
Availability: Geringer Bestand
SKU: 5601-02
5601 Createx Transparent Base - SprayGunner
Normaler Preis $2.50 USD
Normaler Preis Verkaufspreis $2.50 USD

5601 Createx Transparente Basis

Die 5601 Createx Transparent Base ist ein unverzichtbares Produkt für jeden Airbrush-Künstler. Diese farblose Harzbasis ist für die Verwendung mit CreateX Airbrush-Farben konzipiert und bietet eine Reihe von Vorteilen, die Ihre künstlerischen Kreationen verbessern.

Eine der Hauptverwendungen der 5601 Createx Transparent Base ist als Verdünner. Indem Sie sie mit Airbrush-Farben mischen, können Sie die Transparenz erhöhen und Ihren Gemälden ein durchscheinenderes Aussehen verleihen. Dies ermöglicht mehr Tiefe und Komplexität in Ihrem Kunstwerk und verleiht Ihren fertigen Werken einen professionellen Touch. Die Basis kann in jedem Verhältnis gemischt werden, sodass Sie die gewünschte Wirkung vollständig kontrollieren können.

Die 5601 Createx Transparent Base ist nicht nur ein Verdünnungsmittel, sondern kann auch als leichte Schutzschicht verwendet werden. Sie kann über Farben aufgetragen werden, um eine Schutzschicht aufzutragen, die verhindert, dass diese mit der Zeit verblassen oder beschädigt werden. Dies ist besonders nützlich für die Textilmalerei, da es sicherstellt, dass Ihre Designs lebendig bleiben und sich schnell waschen lassen. Um die besten Ergebnisse zu erzielen, wird empfohlen, die transparente Basis nach dem Auftragen auf Farben wärmezuhärten.

Darüber hinaus eignet sich die 5601 Createx Transparent Base perfekt zum Vorbereiten von Stoffen vor dem Malen. Ihre Anwendung verhindert, dass der Stoffknoten beim Airbrushen stört, und sorgt für eine glatte und gleichmäßige Oberfläche Ihres Kunstwerks. Vor dem Auftragen der Farben ist es ratsam, die transparente Basis durch Wärme auszuhärten, um optimale Haftung und Haltbarkeit zu gewährleisten.

Mit der 5601 Createx Transparent Base haben Sie ein vielseitiges und zuverlässiges Produkt, das Ihr Airbrush-Erlebnis deutlich verbessern wird. Egal, ob Sie die Transparenz erhöhen, eine Schutzschicht auftragen oder Stoff zum Bemalen vorbereiten möchten, diese farblose Harzbasis ist die perfekte Lösung. Sie ist einfach zu verwenden, kann in jedem Verhältnis gemischt werden und liefert jedes Mal professionelle Ergebnisse. Erhöhen Sie Ihre Airbrush-Kunstfertigkeit mit der 5601 Createx Transparent Base.

Transparent Base: 5601, 4004, 5090 & 6000
Acrylic Resin in a Clear Solution


Transparent Base is the paint without the pigment. Each Createx paint brand has its own Transparent Base made with that brand’s resin type and generally has the same coating characteristics as the colors within the specific brand.

Appears milky in solution. Dries to a clear finish.

Gloss level after drying depends on specific brand of paint, each Transparent Base matching the gloss level of the colors.

  • 5601 Createx Airbrush Transparent Base: Semi-Gloss
  • 4004 Auto Air | Wicked Colors Transparent Base: Semi-Gloss
  • 5090 Illustration Transparent Base: Matte
  • 6000 AutoBorne Transparent Sealer: Matte

General Usage

Clear – Transparent Base may be used as a protective coating.

  • Inter-coat clear for protecting colors when taping & masking.
  • Light, protective top-coat clear. Refer to specific Transparent Base information on this sheet for durability and applications.

Transparency Extender – Transparent Base works as an extender for adding to colors to increase transparency, like how 4011 or 4012 dilutes colors on Transparent Base also adds resin to the mixture allowing for colors to increase transparency without losing adhesion.  This is beneficial when creating washes and tints out of colors where there is more dilutant in the mix compared to color.

Paint Rejuvenator – Paint viscosity may increase after long term storage due to loss of water content.  Adding Transparent Base to paint is best way to restore as resin is added when brining back a sprayable viscosity, ensuring adhesion and durability are not affected.  Strain well before spraying.

Specific Usage

5601 Createx Airbrush Transparent Base

  • Textile specific. Best used for textiles & fabrics, leather and other flexible, porous substrates.
  • Dries to a softer coating compared to other Transparent Bases.
  • Use a base coating to prepare t-shirt for airbrushing. Applying 5601 before colors helps lock down fabric knap, preventing it from interfering while airbrushing. Also improves coverage as initial colors do not soak into fabric; this is especially helpful when airbrushing onto black. Heat-setting 5601 before applying colors is recommended for this application. Refer to textile application guide for more.

4004 Auto Air Colors | Wicked Colors Transparent Base

  • Multi-purpose. Works on both textile and hard surfaces such as vinyl and aluminum.
  • For plastics, adding 4030 Balancing Clear 10 – 20% per volume recommended.
  • More durable compared to 5601 Transparent Base but not as durable as 6000 Transparent Sealer.

5090 Illustration Transparent Base

  • Features delayed cross-linking during which clear easily erases yet cures to a hard, durable coating after 48 hours air drying.
  • Low viscosity thins colors well.

6000 AutoBorne Transparent Sealer

  • Automotive-grade, our most durable Transparent Base.
  • Does not have to be scuffed prior to paint.
  • Self-levels & dries quickest of all Transparent Bases.
  • Excellent adhesion promoter. Apply direct to any plastic for adhesion prior to applying colors.
  • Limited flexibility; not for use direct to leather or vinyl; instead use 4004 Transparent Base mixed with 10 – 20% 4030 Balancing Clear for improved adhesion & durability.
  • Compatible with all Createx paints.
  • Cures and adheres best when diluted with 4012.


  • Transparent Base can be applied in a wide variety of manners. 
  • Most often is applied in very light coats commonly referred to as a “drop-coat” in that there is less material and greater distance between airbrush or spray-gun and the surface compared to applying colors.
  • Tip-size generally are the same as when shooting colors although psi settings may be a bit higher due to lower viscosity of Transparent Base compared to colors.
  • Scuffing is not required prior to top-coating with paint or clear.
  • Allow to air dry. Do not force dry with heat.
  • When using either 5601 or 4004 on fabrics, heat-set for washfast durability. Heat set after Transparent Base has air dried tack free.

Drying Times

Estimated drying and curing times are set at 70 degrees F and 65% or less relative humidity (RH). Allow for extended drying times in colder or humid conditions. Diluting Transparent Base with 4011 or 4012 decreases drying times and assists curing.
When used as a clear, re-coat times are approximately 10 – 15 minutes. After the last coat is applied, time to tape and handle is approximately 30 minutes.

Time to top-coating with a final clear should be 60 minutes at a minimum. Full cure is approximately 24 – 48 hours after drying.


Transparent Base is best rinsed from the airbrush or spray-gun with 5618 Airbrush Cleaner, 4011 or 4012. Use 4008 Restorer as a rinse for final cleaning.

Pot-Life & Storage

Transparent Base does not have a pot life. Store air-tight in a cool, dry environment away from direct light. Do not keep Transparent Base for long-term storage after diluting with 4011 or 4012.

Health & Safety

Use in a well-ventilated area. Avoid contact with eyes. Wash hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after use. Do not ingest. When spraying or sanding, use a properly-fitting NIOSH approved respirator per the manufacturer’s instructions.
Eye contact:  Rinse with clean water for 15 minutes. Seek medical attention.
Inhalation:  Use in in well ventilated areas and wear a NIOSH approved respirator.
Refer to Transparent Base’s specific Createx paint brand SDS for additional information.


This product will perform as claimed if directions are followed. Warranty is limited to replacement or refund value of product. No other warranty is expressed or implied.

Customer Reviews

Based on 17 reviews
Createx New 61 Wicked Color Paint Set with Mixing Cups, Mixing Sticks and UMO's by NO-NAME Brand

Very good consistency good flow rate easy to work with.

Great product

This stuff I really like I seen they have another transparent base that I order to see how they compare.

Awesome product

Love it

Ricky Barts
Transparent base

The is absolutely the best transparent base iv ever used. Createx at their best. You can really adjust the transparency of you colors and the adhesion is good. Do yourself a favor and log on to SprayGunner to get a bottle. You want regret it, I guarantee.


Works like it should maybe I sprayed over it a little too soon. I just did not see much of a difference about using less paint on black t shirts. Only time will tell if it made the difference. Thanks Russell